Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Crossing Ohio

Ohio highways pretty much sucked. I was driving through construction zones the majority of the time. And for some reason they had 5 grades of unleaded fuel at the pump... 5? WTF

Pennslvania was nice, for all of the 60 or so miles I drove through it. Then New York, up into Buffalo. New York was nice, but lots of bad drivers. They must have been coming from Ohio cause there were lots of bad drivers there too.

Niagra Falls, on the U.S. side is a ghetto, and not like the nice ghetto Tim lives in, but something like that movie with Wesly Snipes and Judd Nelson, about crack houses. Other than the Falls themselves (on the US side), I have expected someone looking like Chris Rock to be running around, shouting at people at the crack den.

Canada was great, eh! While the Canadian side of the Falls was very much like Branson, it was not a shithole. The people were nice, the area was clean and there were no projects. The view of the falls is better on the Canadian side, but when you go on the boat to see the falls I think you get equally wet. I had a Canadian Beer called Rickards, which was excellent, I'm going to have to look for it here.

Then I went up to Toronto on maybe the 4th day. All I can say is that city is freakin huge. Down the main street of the city is something like the Delmar, except if the loop was maybe 5 miles long! There were people everywhere and much diversity. Ahh, the last place I expected to see tons of Asians was Canada, but there they were. While I was in Canada I went to a couple wineries, toured two castles (Dundurn Castle and Casa Loma), and went up the CN Tower. Canada was pretty cool...

Going home I went down through Detroit, which leaves me able to say... Detroit=Shithole.


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