Thursday, October 25, 2007


I start the Police Academy on Monday the 29th. I'm a little nervous because I don't really know what to expect. I'm sure it'll all be fine.

Today was my last day with Impact, whom I've been working for since 1999. It's a really good feeling knowing I won't be working that crappy job anymore. I really wanted to tell my boss to take my job and shove it and not go in to work at all this week, but I know better than to burn bridges at this point in my life. Even if the guy was a prick.

It's also a completely different feeling knowing that I've got to move into the city by the end of January, let alone that I'll be living alone for the first time in my life. I'm actually excited at the prospect of getting my own place, and I've been looking at apartments already. I'm not keen about living alone though.

I'm going up to Truman Saturday with my dad to see Laura and watch the football game, and I'm really happy that I'll get to see her the weekend before I start the academy and then she's coming home the following weekend.

Finally, Go Red Sox! I like the Rockies, but I like the Sox more...and after the way they teed off in game 1 last night, this might be a quick World Series. Tune in tonight for Game 2!

The only thing that cracks me up more that Kevin Millar saying that Kevin Youkilis has a head shaped like a milk-dud is Youkilis and Paplebon dancing like buffoons...


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