Sunday, March 26, 2006

Unforseen Circumstances

Last night's show did not happen as Smileys was mysteriously closed. Tim, Gary, Julie and myself got to the bar around 8 and the lights were out, it was locked up, and there was nobody there. It was exceptioanlly creepy because it looked abandoned. There were still beers on the tables, chairs looked like they were just sat in, some videogames and fans were on... it looked like they all just up and left and turned the lights out.

While we were standing around a police officer drove by and we flagged her down. She turned out to be the hottest police officer Tim and I had ever seen, as Tim kept nodding at her when she wasn't looking... She made some phone calls and found out that Smileys closed a week and a half ago due to some sort of problems with the owners and who knows who else. So we don't know if they are closed permanently or temporary but we do know the fuckers didn't bother to call us and let us know! It all made sense then, because Gary had been calling all week to verify we were playing and he didn't get an answer all week.

It wasn't all bad though. We drove all the gear back to my place, as we're going to be having practice at my house until Gary closes and moves into his new house. After that we rented 40 Year Old Virgin, which was really, really funny and Gary was trying to make comparisons to Matthew throughout the movie. It didn't matter much to me and Gary, we were happy with a bottle of Jaegermeister ready to be drunk. So the night was salvaged for a good time.


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