Sunday, January 22, 2006

The stink of smoke

Last night was quite a bit of fun, and I glad I got to get out and do something different for a change. Tim, Heather, Marty and myself went to the Hi Pointe to see The Bureau last night and it was a really good time. One thing I can say for The Bureau is they pack that fucking place, although Tim was trying to tell me that the time we played there with Vallium there were more people. I don't remember just how packed it was that night, but that it was standing room only. The opening bands were so-so, as there was a good singer/songwriter doing a solo act and after him was this hippie/spoken word/rap/rock act with a black singer and a trippy guitarist wearing a bathrobe and they vaguely reminded me of The Rollins Band, but with more soul and less anger. The Bureau played a great set and made me want to play with them just a little bit more.

I had a few beers, smoked a few cigarettes and looked at cute girls with Tim. We both seem to think we know what the other likes apparently because Tim stands there pointing girls out he think's I'd like and I do the same for him. Then he's like, "How much do I have to pay you to go talk to that asian?" It was funny, but really- I don't know how to talk to girls or be outgoing in that way. I'm something of a wallflower I guess.

While we're watching the opening band Marty comes sauntering over and seeming a little out of it and he's got a beer in one hand and a pitcher of beer in the other and he's drinking out of the pitcher! It was hilarious, I love that guy! And we're laughing and having a good time and this girl behind us pukes on the floor and Marty almost stepped in it. I was able to point it out and keep his shoes clean. It was a ton of fun, I haven't gone out to a bar and seen live music in ages.


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