Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Ghost of Christmas Past

How in the hell did Christmas come and go so quickly? It seems like only yesterday that I was beggining my holiday shopping and waiting for my sister to come home from college. The large buildup of anticipation seemed less this year, than compared to years in recent memory. Blame it on the weather I guess, which has been much warmer this December than usual. At times I though it was spring.

The sleepy morning of opening gifts with the family was the same as it is every year. Literally it is the best day of the year in that one morning. Maybe it seemed like something was off because Christmas day was on a monday, and mondays suck. I prefer it to be on a thursday or friday, so that everyone is off for about 4 days in a row and the whole family just sits around the house enjoying the new toys we've recieved and generally spending quality time with each other. This year seemed to skip that, since we all went back to work the next day. Seems like the holiday lost a little something of itself then.

I'm not looking foreward to the decorations coming down, because then I know it's back to business as usual around here. It's just a cold marathon until spring with no real holidays worth any real attention until Easter. Despite what people think, Valentines day is a bullshit holiday and St. Patricks day isn't something anyone I know celebrates. We drink all the time, why make it a holiday?

I don't have much else to say, so I guess you should all make the most of the last days of 2006 because there aren't many left. What do I wish I'd done this year? Gotten a better job, and that's it. Everything else about this year has been splendid, especially when I went on vacation to Canada. So the marathon begins in just a few days.


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