Friday, September 09, 2005

Just disappear

Well I've finally got myself something good to read in the form of Chuck Palanuick's newest book, Haunted. My parents gave it to me for my birthday. I'd been wanting to read it since it came out but you know, monetary issues needed to be placed elsewhere. Needless to say I'm expecting great things, but then the past few have been slight let downs. Although the last Chuck book I read was Stranger Than Fiction, a collection of his articles published in magazines and some college essays. So far this book started out good, in Palanuick-esque style with themes of questioning one's self actualization. "What stops you here is what stops your entire life."

I've had a severe lack of good reading material for some time now. I really need to go buy that new Harry Potter book. I just get turned off to reading them when it goes so long in between books. I like it to be fresh. And any departure from the shit I have to read for school is good. I have to read books on police brutality and human trafficking that just aren't as...gripping as the works I'd usually prefer. I actually just completed reading Crash by J.G. Ballard. I started reading it over 2 years ago, but it would pick up and then drop off the face of the earth in terms of my interest for it. A story of car crashes meets sex addicts, or autoeroticide... But now I can finally take it out of my bookbag.

In terms of band news, we're going to the studio to mix our cd this saturday the 10th. Our engineer said he liked the new music so much he started pre mixing the songs to get us some ideas of what to do. Overall there shouldn't be too much needed to be done because the qaulity of the songs is so much better musically that we don't need to cover anything up. This time its more along the lines of exposing everything on the track because its all so damn good.


Blogger Jen said...

Yes, you deifinitely should read the new Harry Potter book, it's awesome! :)
I just got done with one called "Of Human Bondage". It was really good! You should read it though, I think you'd like it.
You need to drop a line and say hello when you're on AIM though. Most of the time I don't even see you until it tells me you've logged off. So say hi ok? :)

9:07 AM  

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