Saturday, August 13, 2005

Your lifestyle determines your deathstyle

Everyone makes mistakes, it's a sad unavoidable truth. Maybe you lied under oath to congress about doing steriods in major league baseball. Maybe didn't get caught killing your wife, but you did get caught stealing satellite cable. Maybe you got caught giving Jesus Juice to kids at your Neverland Ranch. All fucked up mistakes, but tonight I made one major mistake too. I watched Some Kind of Monster: The Metallica Documentary.

It really was that bad; I wish I had those 2 hours of my life back. To some it up for you it went something like this:
"After a bad recording session, overrought with drugs and alcohol, Lars Ulrich (the band's resident asshole/drummer) has had enough.
Lars: I'm just not feeling the music man, come on James pull it together, you sound so....stock.
James: What exactly don't you like? You keep kissing my rosy red ass but won't tell me what to change.
Lars: It's just so stock, you know? Like, it sounds very...stock!
James: Is it the new head? Too hollow? The distortion have too much gain?
Lars: No, no, not that. It's just... just...sounds so stock to me...
At this point I wholeheartedly believe James Hetfield is about to tear off Lars's head and eat it.
Kirk Hammet: Come on guys, we can work through this! This is silly.
James: What the fuck is stock?
Lars: It just sounds so stock to me
Kirk: Settle down you guys, this is ridiculous
James & Lars: Shut the fuck up Kirk!"

Fast foreward through two hours of bitching about how hard it is to be a rockstar, to the band filming the video for St. Anger. Yea, I get it now. They'll play for free to a bunch of inmates at a prison, but they want to charge $90 for tickets for average joe schmoe to see them? Man these guys are fuckers!


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