Wednesday, August 10, 2005


I am slowly coming to realize that St. Louis actually has a rainy season! For serious, there has been a major storm every moth now, multiple times a month, since spring. I'm talking storms of biblical proportions that bend trees and sometimes drop them on my car. Hail producing storms that turn the power off in my house and make my dog freak out like it's the end of the world. Storms that somehow make a mounted deer head appear on my kitchen table. Oh, no that was mom's latest yard-sale find.

This morning I was dragging ass through the house and whilst half asleep I come into the kitchen and there is a mounted deer head, 10 points and all! sprouting up out of the table as if it grew out of the table like some freakish episode of the twighlight zone. After a phonecall to mom to make sure we haven't got the only dinner table that can sprout deer heads I find out it was her latest yard-sale find and it's going to the lake! Yippee for dead animal heads!@

Last night practice was sans-heather, but that was alright because it's fine tuning time in prep for the studio on the 28th. I also found out that our engineer pal Brian from the studio is now married! But last night Gary was like on cocaine or something because he was bouncing off the walls. I'v never seen him spaz like that so much, but it was good. Drummers need to be brimming over with energy. Just lay off the coke.


Blogger Jen said...

Hola...just stopping by to say hi. Hope all's well with ya!

8:23 AM  

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