Wednesday, September 21, 2005

the VIP in full effect

Yesterday I saw this preview for the upcoming episode of Attack of the Show where they said the new host was going to be announced. Low and behold the guy who comes out on stage... is Vanilla Ice! I'm totally serious, but it was just a joke. He was there promoting his new cd and when he left another of the many many temporary hosts helped with the segements. Last night was Will from Cnet and Chris Gore. Its been ages since Kevin Rose left and they sure are taking their sweet ass time finding a new co-host. There was also a pretty bad ass segement where Fear Factory drummer Raymond Herrera came on the show and they had a "drum off" with Kevin Pereira who as it turns out is a bad ass drummer!

Let's see what else is going on. Band practice was good monday night, we're trying to get the kinks ironed out in the new song and pretty soon we'll start deciding on a set list for the Ocotber 27th show. Tim lent me a book he said I should read, I'm sure most people have read it but I have never read The Catcher in the Rye. Tim said he thought the relationship Houlden Caulfield has with his sister reminds him of me and my sister. He didn't explain that very well, but I started reading it monday night and I'm halway done with it already. It's quite good, very cynical and introspective. I can't believe I'd never read this before! So once I finish that I can go back to Haunted.

And yay for storms because that beast of a storm that came through monday night knocked out power and utilities to a large chunk of north county and UMSL was closed all day Tuesday! No classes, yes!


Blogger Jen said...

Sounds like a lot of stuff has been going on. Too bad I can't make it to your October show. I would have loved to hear some more of your newstuff live.
Anyway, hope all is well with you! :)

10:00 AM  

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