Wednesday, November 30, 2005

tonight's the night, in your arms again

Last night after chillin at Beth's house I went home with some severe nasal drainage from her huge cat, and I mean this cat is huge like it ate the rabbit that used to live there. So I guess the moral of the story is, the more mass to the cat= the more dander up my nose.

School sucks ass, thats all I have to say. Today was just one of those days where I woke and my nose was still running and I was sneezing and coughing all night long. All through work I was leaving nose fluid wherever I went. Then I went to Comparative Criminology which sucks big dick. This is one of those classes where the teacher calls on you even if you don't have your hand raised, and it seems like she only calls on the guys. Today when she calle don me, I just grunted a half hearted, "I got nothing" and went back to trying to blow me nose. Then she called on me again later, and I was like, "Yea, I dont remember that." The rest of the class I sat there with my head staring into the blank page of my notebook and not looking up at her once. Then she calls on me again and I say the same thing, "I still don't remember that."

Later when I went to evening class we watched a documentary video about Heroin abuse...starring John Fruisciante from the Red Hot Chili Peppers. It was shot back in the early 90's when he went to live in Europe and was pretty much at the height of his drug addiction and it was disturbing. It was like his eyes we sunk in just a little but his eyeballs themselves were huge and yellowish and everytime he'd say something they would open up wider that should have been possible as if he'd just had some groundbreaking epiphany. Then he played some music after he shot up and it was like listening to a Chili Peppers album backwards, where you can make out chord progressions and familiar note signatures that remind you of the Chili's music...but then whit all other kinds of static and noise going on.

I felt really down today and I don't recall if it started when the teacher wouldn't leave me alone or when I saw a very strung out John Fruisciante in the drug class tonight.


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