Sunday, December 25, 2005

Dreams on the Eve

I had a very vivid and strange dream last night about this girl Christy who I go to school with. I've know her for like a year and we've had classes together and we see each other every now and then at school. We met in an Astronomy class last fall, and we always sat together and chatted it up about all kinds of weird things. She's really cute, but she's dating someone and he's in a band too.

Anyhow, I dreampt that we got together and started dating, and I could remember feelings I haven't felt in years. It was like falling back in step with something you've done a thousand times before, but haven't partaken in for years. Like riding a bike maybe, except going straight to the good part of the relationship where you both know each others every waking thought. Where you know that you can't do any wrong as long as you just be yourself, and they love you for that and that alone. That kind of unknown bond that hovers over you just enough that you feel perfectly content just being in the same room with that person, and can tell exactly what they are thinking by just one blink of her perfect eyes. It's the undocumented perfection of two spirits becoming one that everyone really wants deep down inside and can't quite describe what it is they want and can never be fully brought to fruition through mere words. Thats what I felt in that dream. A long lost longing for love that I'd experienced before.

I even woke up in the early morning and went to the bathroom, and when I went back to bed I thought, "I have to call her when I get up" not to tell her this story but because I thought the dream was real. A dream come true, a love come true. That's the kind of vivid this dream was. Sleep giveth and sleep taketh away.

Merry Christmas


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