Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Horizen has Changed

Well, the horizen has truly changed as Busch Stadium is finally gone. It's the end of an era, even though it's been over since the end of the season, but now it's really gone. I have many fond memories of Busch and the St. Louis Cardinals that almost feel like they're dying with the stadium. And the more I hear about the Cardinals organization the less I look foreward to next season. This morning I heard that Ray King, Julian Tavarez, Mark Gruidzelanik and Reggie Sanders are all gone, not coming back, not playing for the redbirds. I feel the biggest loss here was Col. Sanders, he was worth bringing back.

It's cold as a witch's tit out there, and snowing like mad to boot. It was the fastest and slowest drive to/from work today. There was no traffic on 255 and I was at work in less than 20 minutes. On the way home you couldn't even see the road because of snow and it took about an hour and a half doing something like 25 mph on the highway. I almost felt sorrow for this guy in a Trans-Am who was just spinning his wheels cause it's rear wheel drive...I guess he's a wild man, he can't drive 55.

On the up side, well not really up anything, but I met this really cool girl at work today named Colleen and it turns out we go to school together. She started laughing cause I said I was on the 8 year plan, and then said she's on the 6 1/2 year plan. We talked about school and how we both slacked off in college and what we're going for and this and that. Then later my friend Mike the Pepsi vendor comes up to me and he was like, "Who's your friend back here chatting it up?" I laughed and said she just didn't have anything better to do, but he was saying he didn't think so and she wouldn't be back there chatting with me unless she wanted to. I was thinking of a good way to invite her to our show next week, but I'm not a smooth talker like the Pepsi guy. So maybe if I'm working there next week I'll ask her. When she was signing my paperwork I was like, "Yea, my name's Sean by the way" and she says, "oh I know- everyone here knows who you are." So thats a good thing, like everyone in that store knows I'm a good guy...they can make me sound good... She's really cute.

Music News: Recording Studio on Saturday afternoon. I was thinking we should title the CD: "We Ride the Short Bus" but I don't think that work too well with Gary & Heather's work. New songs may be ready for the show next week, and they're going well. I'm feeling more confident about playing next week after practicing last night, so it'll be better than last time.

Now I'm going to shovel the driveway, but check out Steven Seagal's band, whom Gary wants to play with. It's so fucking retarded.


Blogger AdeBomb said...

I knew Seagal had released an album a few years back. But I didn't know he had a band that actually planned on touring! That's awesome...we have to go see them.

Yeah the Cardinals have done some really stupid things so far this winter. You can read my thoughts on it

12:12 PM  

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