Sunday, January 01, 2006

One of these years...

One of these years I'm going to swear off New Years Eve, because yet again I end up feeling like death in the middle of the night and puking. Luckily the first puke made it into the trash bin in the bathroom and I had the presence of mind to take the puke filled bag to the trash cans in the garage and not leave it in the bathroom, stinking the fuck out the the room. After that I got what we call the "puke pail" out of the basement, which is just a green plastic bucket to put next to the bed if you have to barf. I went and chugged down like 3 huge glasses of water cause I was really thirsty and went to bed. Half an hour later I sat up in bed, grabbed the pail and heaved all that water back up. Apparently it was so loud my mom came in at 5am when I was evacuating my stomache for the 2nd time and asked if I was alright in mid-spew. Once I got it all out of me the 2nd time, I drank some more water and went to bed. I woke up around 11 and felt fine. No headache, no nausea, just a little sleepy cause my rest was interrupted for like an hour this morning for vomit time.


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