Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Well what was my cold last week is now just a slight cough that I'm trying to shake. I dont have the congestion I had last week, or the sore throat, or the runny/stopped up nose, but I've got a slight cough. Dad started worrying me because he said some friend of his said she had her cold turn into Bronchitus...I do not need another trip to the doctor. All in all I'm feeling mucho better compared to last week. That may also be due to the fact that I finally bought a car and had been worrying about the whole auto situation for awhile now. But it's all good and done with, I'll be picking up my new car from the dealer tonight.

Our booking guy is taking his sweet ass time in figuring out where we're going to play. Two weeks ago he said the bands would be posted on the next monday. Nothing. One week ago he said it would be posted on monday. Still nothing. So I guess we wait some more.

Oh yea, I saw another hilarious commercial by Burger King today with some lumberjack fellow int he woods cutting down a tree. When the tree starts falling the King is standing there and holds out a BK breakfast sandwich and is this earie disembodied hippie voice the king says "It's Meat'normus!" Holy shit, I about fell out of the chair laughing.


Blogger Jen said...

Of course, you would find that funny...
By the way, are you still not eating red meat?
Bleh...I've had a cold this week too.
Hope you feel better and stuff! :)

5:23 AM  

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